FSI Technology Solutions

Drive Innovation & Gain a Competitive Edge

In the rapidly evolving financial services sector, staying ahead requires robust systems that not only meet current demands but are agile enough to adapt to future challenges. IGS provides leading-edge system integration and managed services that propel financial institutions forward.

Our approach focuses on enhancing operational efficiency and reducing risks through tailored strategies that address the specific needs of the financial industry, ensuring that your institution remains competitive and compliant.

Your Pain Points

We Address Key Challenges in the Financial Services Industry

Navigating the complexities of the financial sector demands a strategic approach to overcome common industry hurdles. IGS is equipped to tackle these critical pain points.

Whether it is infrastructure integration or working on your ideal of moving to cloud-based systems to enhance flexibility and operational efficiency; gaining an experienced partner in this transition is priceless. We offer scalable solutions that aid in improving your data accessibility and cost management while ensuring robust security.

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With financial threats growing in sophistication, protecting sensitive information is crucial to ensure your stakeholder’s unwavering confidence. We provide a wide range of cybersecurity solutions such as SOC and monitoring that can help your business to prevent data breaches, unauthorised access while preserving your customer’s trust and institutional reputation.

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The financial services industry thrives on innovation and security. Yet, legacy technology can hinder your ability to deliver exceptional customer experiences, comply with evolving regulations, and stay ahead of cyber threats. At IGS, we offer our expertise in tech refresh offerings and implementing solutions to facilitate seamless integration between legacy systems and modern applications.

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Financial services industry faces a unique challenge: balancing innovation and security with environmental responsibility. Our sustainable offerings empower financial institutions to manage data responsibly, optimizing operations and meet evolving regulations. With us, you can unlock the potential of sustainable technology to achieve your business goals while contributing to a greener financial future.

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Accurate data is the cornerstone of strategic decision-making.  Enhancing your capability to aggregate, process, and analyse data, by implementing our world-class data management solutions; facilitating better market insights.

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As financial institutions face increasing complexity in managing IT infrastructure and compliance requirements, IGS offers comprehensive support and managed services with proactive monitoring, continuous maintenance, and rapid issue resolution to keep your operations efficient and compliant. Our dedicated support minimises downtime and enhances system reliability, allowing you to focus on core business activities and regulatory adherence without IT-related disruptions.

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Why IGS?

Tailored Expertise and Proven Experience for Financial Services

The financial sector’s intricate challenges are best navigated with a trusted partner. Together with IGS, we can scale even the most daunting technological peaks. Our grasp of innovative technology, combined with our deep industry knowledge to enhance efficiency, compliance and security has helped various financial institution on their digital transformation journey.


With specialised knowledge of financial protocols and technologies, we deliver solutions that directly address industry-specific challenges and opportunities.


Decades of collaboration with financial institutions equipped us IGS with the unique insights and strategic prowess needed to enhance operational efficiency and regulatory compliance.

Case Study

How IGS Transformed Operations for a Major Institution in Malaysia

IGS partnered with a leading Malaysian Institution to modernise its IT infrastructure, transitioning to cloud-based systems for improved data management and operational agility. The integration was executed with minimal operational disruption.

The project’s success was marked by enhanced efficiency and stringent security measures. IGS implemented advanced cybersecurity protocols and scalable cloud solutions, enabling the institution to meet regulatory standards and adapt to market changes effectively.


    Improvement in Transaction Speed


    Reduction in System Downtime


    Increase in Customer Satisfaction


    Compliance with Malaysian Financial Regulations

    Our Partners

    Supported by the Best to Bring You Excellence

    IGS collaborates with renowned technology leaders to deliver state-of-the-art solutions, ensuring that your financial services are powered by the best in the industry.

    Get Started

    Elevate Your Financial Operations with IGS

    Tackle digital transformation, cybersecurity threats, and compliance challenges. Partner with IGS for solutions that scale with your growth.


      Frequently Asked Questions

      We integrate cutting-edge technologies that streamline processes and improve service delivery while ensuring system compatibility and future scalability.

      Our cybersecurity strategies include comprehensive risk assessments, regular audits, SOC implementation, and more tailored to protect financial data.

      Our extensive background entails working closely with financial institutions of all sizes. We are well-versed in the industry’s specific challenges and have consistently delivered successful outcomes in complex system integration projects.

      Our solutions are designed to help FIs comply with a wide range of financial regulations, including PCI DSS, KYC/AML, RMiT regulations and more. We can help you assess your compliance needs, develop a compliance strategy, and implement the necessary controls.